=== Newsletter === Tags: newsletter,email,subscription,mass mail,list build,email marketing,direct mailing Requires at least: 3.3.0 Tested up to: 3.5.2 Stable tag: 3.3.7 Donate link: http://www.satollo.net/donations Add a real newsletter to your blog. In seconds. For free. With unlimited emails and subscribers. == Description == This plug-in adds a real newsletter system to your WordPress blog. Perfect for list building, you can create cool emails with visual editor, send and track them. Unlimited subscribers, unlimited e-mails. Key features: * **unlimited subscribers** (the database is your, why should I limit you?) with statistics * **unlimited emails** with tracking * subscription widget, page or via custom form * integrated with **WordPress user registration** * single and double opt-in plus privacy acceptance checkbox (as per European laws) * subscriber preferences to fine target your campaigns * **SMTP** ready (Gmail, SendGrid, ...) * html and text version messages * configurable themes * every message and label **fully translatable** from administrative panels (no .po/.mo file to edit) * diagnostic panel for **easy system tests** * **extensible** with specific modules (Facebook, Reports, Feed by Mail, Follow Up) Visit the [Newsletter official page](http://www.satollo.net/plugins/newsletter) to know more. Thank you, Stefano Lissa (Satollo). == Installation == 1. Put the plug-in folder into [wordpress_dir]/wp-content/plugins/ 2. Go into the WordPress admin interface and activate the plugin 3. Optional: go to the options page and configure the plugin == Frequently Asked Questions == See the [Newsletter FAQ](http://www.satollo.net/plugins/newsletter/newsletter-faq) or the [Newsletter Forum](http://www.satollo.net/forums) to ask for help. For documentation start from [Newsletter official page](http://www.satollo.net/plugins/newsletter). Thank you, Stefano Lissa (Satollo). == Screen shots == No screen shots are available at this time. == Changelog == = 3.3.7 = * Fixed the feed by mail field on widget * Fixed tab names to avoid mod_security interference * Fixed the "name" form field rules * Added (undocumented/untested) way to change the table names = 3.3.6 = * Fixed a caching blocking on short code * New way to create a newsletter = 3.3.5 = * Fixed the mailto rewriting * Added tags and categories to default theme * Added post type on default theme * Fixed some administrative CSS * Revisited the theme selection and configuration = 3.3.4 = * Fixed the module version check = 3.3.3 = * Fixed the IP tracking on opening = 3.3.2 = * Disabled the save button on composer when the newsletter is "sending" or "sent" * Added ip field on statistics * Reviewed the subscriber statistics panel * Fixed some links on welcome panel * Added extensions version check * Added the Mandrill Extension support * Fixed the banner options on default theme * New "new newsletter" panel (hope simpler to use) = 3.3.1 = * Fixed a bug in an administrative query = 3.3.0 = * Fixed a replacement on online email version * Fixed a missing privacy check box configuration * Improved the split posts * Added post_type control * Re-enabled the subscription for addresses not confirmed * Fixed the welcome and ocnfirmaiton email when sent from subscribers list panel (were not using the theme) * Added the "pre-checked" option to preferences configuration = 3.2.9 = * Fixed a possible loop on widget (when using extended fields in combobox format) = 3.2.8 = * Fixed the newsletter_replace filter * Added the person title for salutation * Changed the profile field panel * Fixed the massive deletion of unsubscribed users = 3.2.7 = * Added a controls for the Reports module version 1.0.4 * Changed opening tracking and removed 1x1 GIF * Added support for popup on subscription form * Fixed the link to the reports module = 3.2.6 = * Fixed the forced preferences on subscription panel = 3.2.5 = * Fixed the home_url and blog_url replacements * Added the cleans up of tags used in href attributes * Fixed the cleans up of URL tags * Added module version checking support * Added the welcome email option to disable it * Fixed the new subscriber notification missing under some specific conditions = 3.2.4 = * Added target _blank on theme links so they open on a new windows for the online version * Changed to the plugins_url() function * Added clean up of url tags on composer = 3.2.3 = * Added schedule list on Diagnostic panel * Removed the enable/disable resubscription option * Added a check for the delivery engine shutdown on some particular situations * Revisited the WordPress registration integration * Revisited the WordPress user import and moved on subscriber massive action panel * Added links to new documentation chapter * Removed a survived reference to an old table * Reactivated the replacement of the {blog_url} tag * Fixed the tracking code injection * Fixed a default query generation for compatibility with 2.5 version * Fixed the tag replacements when using the old forms = 3.2.2 = * Fixed the subscription options change problem during the upgrade * English corrections by Rita Vaccaro * Added the Feed by Mail demo module * Added support for the Facebook module = 3.2.1 = * Fixed fatal error with old form formats = 3.2.0 = * Added hint() method to NewsletterControls * Fixed the Newsletter::replace_date() to replace even the {date} tag without a format * Added NewsletterModule::format_time_delta() * Added NewsletterModule::format_scheduler_time * Improved the diagnostic panel * Fixed an error on subscription with old forms * Fixed the unsubscription with old formats * Fixed the confirmation for multiple calls * Fixed user saving on new installation (column missing for followup module) * Added compatibility code with domain remaping plugin * Added a setting to let unsubscribed users to subscribe again * Added the re-subscription option = 3.1.9 = * Added the NEWSLETTER_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME * Added the NEWSLETTER_CRON_INTERVAL * Improved the delivery engine performances * Improved the newsletter list panel * Change the subscription in case of unsubscribed, bounced or confirmed address with a configurable error message * Some CSS review * Fixed the unsubscription procedure with a check on user status * Added Pint theme = 3.1.7 = * Added better support for Follow Up for Newsletter * Fixed integration with Feed by Mail for Newsletter * Fixed a bug on profile save * Fixed a message about log folder on diagnostic panel * Fixed the sex field on user creation = 3.1.6 = * Fixed the subscription form absent on some configurations = 3.1.5 = * Content locking deactivated if a user is logged in * Added a button to create a newsletter dedicated page * Added top message is the newsletter dedicated page is not configured * Fixed the subscription process with the old "na" action * Added a new option with wp registration integration * Added the opt-in mode to wp registration integration = 3.1.4 = * Fixed a bug on post/page preview = 3.1.3 = * Added support for SendGrid Module * Fixed a fatal error on new installations on emails.php = 3.1.2 = * Fixed the access control for editors * Improved to the log system to block it when the log folder cannot be created * Moved all menu voices to the new format * Improved the diagnostic panel * Added ability to send and email to not confirmed subscribers * Fixed a problem with internal module versions = 3.1.1 = * Fixed the copy and delete buttons on newsletter list * Removed the old trigger button on newsletter list * Fixed the edit button on old user search * Improved the module version checking * Added the "unconfirm" button on massive subscriber management panel = 3.1.0 = * Added link to change preferences/sex from emails * Added tag reference on email composer * Added "negative" preference selection on email targeting * Improved the subscription during WordPress user registration * Fixed the preference saving from profile page * Fixed the default value for the gender field to "n" * Added loading of the Feed by Mail module * Added loading of the Follow Up module * Added loading of the MailJet module * Changed the administrative page header * Changed the subscriber list and search panel * Improved the locked content feature * Fixed the good bye email not using the standard email template * Changed the diagnostics panel with module versions checking * Fixed some code on NewsletterModule = 3.0.9 = * Fixed an important bug = 3.0.8 = * Fixed the charset on some pages and previews for umlaut characters = 3.0.7 = * Fixed a warning in WP 3.5 * Fixed the visual editor on/off on composer panel = 3.0.6 = * Added file permissions check on diagnostic panel * Fixed the default value for "sex" on email at database level * Fixed the checking of required surname * Fixed a warning on subscription panel * Improved the subscription management for bounced or unsubscribed addresses * Removed the simple theme of tinymce to reduce the number of files * Added neutral style for subscription form = 3.0.5 = * Added styling for widget * Fixed the widget html * Fixed the reset button on subscription panels * Fixed the language initialization on first installation * Fixed save button on profile page (now it can be an image) * Fixed email listing showing the planned status = 3.0.4 = * Fixed the alternative email template for subscription messages * Added user statistics by referrer (field nr passed during subscription) * Added user statistics by http referer (one r missing according to the http protocol) * Fixed the preview for themes without textual version * Fixed the subscription redirect for blogs without permalink * Fixed the "sex" column on database so email configuration is correctly stored * Fixed the wp user integration = 3.0.3 = * Fixed documentation on subscription panel and on subscription/page.php file * Fixed the statistics module URL rewriting * Fixed a "echo" on module.php datetime method * Fixed the multi-delete on newsletter list * Fixed eval() usage on add_menu_page and add_admin_page function * Fixed a number of ob_end_clean() called wht not required and interfering with other output buffering * Fixed the editor access level = 3.0.2 = * Documented how to customize the subscription/email.php file (see inside the file) for subscription messages * Fixed the confirmation message lost (only for who do not already save the subscription options...) = 3.0.1 = * Fixed an extra character on head when including the form css * Fixed the double privacy check on subscription widget * Fixed the charset of subscription/page.php * Fixed the theme preview with wp_nonce_url * Added compatibility code for forms directly coded inside the subscription message * Added link to composer when the javascript redirect fails on creation of a new newsletter * Fixed the old email list and conversion = 3.0.0 = * Release = 2.6.2 = * Added the user massive management panel = = * Updated to 20 lists instead of 9 * Max lists can be set on wp-config.php with define('NEWSLETTER_LIST_MAX', [number]) * Default preferences ocnfigurable on subscription panel = = * fixed the profile fields generation on subscription form = = * fixed javascript email check * fixed rewrite of link that are anchors * possible patch to increase concurrency detection while sending * fixed warning message on email composer panel = 2.5.3 = * changed the confirmation and cancellation URLs to a direct call to Newsletter Pro to avoid double emails * mail opening now tracked * fixed the add api * feed by mail settings added: categories and max posts * feed by mail themes change to use the new settings * unsubscribed users are marked as unsubscribed and not removed * api now respect follow up and feed by mail subscription options * fixed the profile form to add the user id and token * subscribers' panel changed * optimizations * main url fixed everywhere * small changes to the email composer * small changes to the blank theme = = * subscribers panel now show the profile data * search can be ordered by profile data * result limit on search can be specified * {unlock_url} fixed (it was not pointing to the right configured url) = = * fixed the concurrent email sending problem * added WordPress media gallery integration inside email composer = = * added the add_user method * fixed the API (was not working) and added multilist on API (thankyou betting-tips-uk.com) * fixed privacy check box on widget = 2.5.2 = * added compatibility with lite cache * fixed the list checkboxes on user edit panel * removed the 100 users limit on search panel * category an max posts selection on email composer = = * improved the url tag replacement for some particular blog installation * fixed the unsubscription administrator notification * replaced sex with gender in notification emails * fixed the confirm/unconfirm button on user list * fixed some labels * subscription form table HTML = = * added {date} tag and {date_'format'} tag, where 'format' can be any of the PHP date formats * added {blog_description} tag * fixed the feed reset button * added one day back button to the feed * updated custom forms documentation * fixed the trigger button on emails panel * changed both feed by mail themes (check them if you create your own theme) * fixed the custom profile field generation (important!) * fixed documentation about custom forms Version - fix the feed email test id (not important, it only generates PHP error logs) - feed by mail send now now force the sending if in a non sending day - changed the way feed by mail themes extract the posts: solves the sticky posts problem - added the feed last check time reset button - fixed the confirm and cancel buttons on user list - fixed the welcome email when using a custom thank you page - added images to theme 1 - added button to trigger the delivery engine - fixed the widget mail check - reintroduced style.css for themes - updated theme documentation - added CDATA on JavaScript - fixed theme 1 which was not adding the images - added theme 3 Version - fixed the old profile fields saving Version - new fr_FR file - fixed test of SMTP configuration which was sending to test address 2 instead of test address 1 - bounced voice remove on search filter - added action "of" which return only the subscription form and fire a subcription of type "os" - added action "os" that subscribe the user and show only the welcome/confirmation required message - fixed issue with main page url configuration Version 2.5.1 - Fixed the widget that was not using the extended fields - Fixed the widget that was not using the lists - Added the class "newsletter-profile" and "newsletter-profile-[number]" to the widget form - Added the class "newsletter-profile" and "newsletter-profile-[number]" to the main subscription form - Added the class "newsletter-profile" and "newsletter-profile-[number]" to the profile form - Added the classes "newsletter-email", "newsletter-firstname", "newsletter-surname" to the respective fields on every form - Removed email theme option on subscription panel (was not used) - Fixed the welcome email on double opt in process - Subscription notifications to admin only for confirmed subscription - Fixed subscription process panel for double opt in (layout problems) - Improved subscription process panel Version - Fix unsubscription process not working Version 2.5.0 - Official first release = SVN = Actually I'm using SVN in a wrong way (deliberately). Usually development with SNV should be done in this way: * the trunk is where the latest (eventually not working code) is available * the tags should contains some folders with public releases (stable or beta or alpha) * the branches should contains some folders representing stable releases which are there to be eventually fixed For example, when I released the version 3.0 of this plugin, I should have created a 3.0 folder inside the branches and fixed it when bug were reported. From time to time from that branch I should have created a tag, for example 3.0.4. Actually, to make this tag available it should have been reported on the readme.txt committed on the trunk. To make it easier, I keep in the trunk the 3.0 branch and I fix it committing the patches and leaving the official stable tag on readme.txt set to "trunk". That helps me in quick fixing the plugin without creating tags. On branches I have the 3.1 branch where I'm develping new features and when ready to be committed I'll merge them on trunk, updating the trunk.